My Orthodontic Page!!

Hello and welcome to my orthodontic page.
I am employed with
Dr. Greg Shell in Lenoir, NC.
I started working with Dr. Greg
in Nov. of 1999. I enjoy my job very much.

Some of my duties include
taking x-rays, taking impressions, pouring models

and making retainers.

I also tighten the braces of course...

This is a close up of what I do.....

Here are some pictures of the girls
that I work with:


The girls in this picture from left to right areVickie, Me, Tina, Patty and Kim. In this next picture guess who it is? It is my boss Dr. Greg Shell!!

This is in memory of Dr. Keith Shell,
who was tragically killed in a plane crash
in May of 2000. This was Dr. Greg's brother.
We will always miss him!